Telexistence Robotic Solutions to Begin Phased Operation

Telexistence Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Jin Tomioka; “TX”) and SENKO Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Kita-ku, Osaka; President: Kenji Sugimoto; “SENKO”) will introduce TX’s robotic solutions at SENKO’s Fukuoka XD, beginning phased operation in actual business activities from July 2024. Additionally, TX has begun development of next-generation models with improved processing capabilities, targeting deployment within 2 […]

MIT-Japan Program Internship Report: Sophia Cheung

As part of Telexistence’s effort to find the best talent from anywhere on the planet, we work with Master’s and PhD interns throughout the year. Sophia connected with us via the MIT-Japan Program and decided to relocate to Japan for six months to work together. Background: MIT Master’s of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering, MIT […]

Telexistence Raises USD 170M (JPY 23Bn) Series B

Announces new partnerships with SoftBank Robotics Group and Foxconn, accelerating its business expansion in North America and operational capabilities in mass production Telexistence (“TX”) has successfully raised a USD 170M Series B round. In addition to the follow-on investments from the lead investors in previous funding rounds, including Monoful Venture Partners, KDDI Open Innovation Fund, […]

2022 Summer Intern Report: Shreyas Sharma

As part of Telexistence’s effort to find the best talent from anywhere on the planet, we work with Master’s and PhD interns throughout the year. Shreyas reached out to us in June 2022 showing his strong interest in the opportunity to work together. It took us only a couple of weeks to agree that it […]

International Media Response to Telexistence’s Press Release on 300-Store Deployment (Online Media Coverage)

On August 10, 2022, Telexistence issued a press release regarding the installation of TX SCARA into 300 FamilyMart stores across Japan. The press release generated a tremendous response, and within a month of its release, media in at least 27 countries around the world carried the news in more than 80 original articles. In addition, […]

2022 Summer Intern Report: Eleftherios Triantafyllidis (Elef)

As part of Telexistence’s effort to find the best talent from anywhere on the planet, we work with Master’s and PhD interns throughout the year. Elef reached out to us in March 2022 showing his strong interest in the opportunity to work together. Despite the complicated visa procedure and the entry restriction amid COVID-19 pandemic, […]